
Selamat datang di blog saya. Senang sekali ada yang mau berkunjung. Mencoba menjadi penulis yang baik. Menuliskan topik yang terjadi di sehari-hari berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi, lumayan panjang (walaupun capek mikir dan ngetik wakakaka...), inspiratif, informatif, dan tidak membosankan pembaca (karena saya males baca sebenarnya)... Semoga blog ini bermanfaat buat semua yang mampir. Terima kasih... :)

Friday, July 18, 2014

Week V Day 31-33 : Because She Would Ask Me Why I Loved Her.

If questioning could make us wise
no eyes would ever gaze in eyes;
if all our tale were told in speech
no mouths would wander each to each.

Were spirits free from mortal mesh
and love not bound in hearts of flesh
no aching breasts would yearn to meet
and find their ecstacy complete.

For who is there that loves and knows
the secret powers by which he grows?
Were knowledge all, what were our need
to thrill and faint and swertly bleed?

Then seek not, sweet, the If and Why
I love you now until I die:
For I must love because I live
And life in me is what you give.

Christopher John Brennan

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