
Selamat datang di blog saya. Senang sekali ada yang mau berkunjung. Mencoba menjadi penulis yang baik. Menuliskan topik yang terjadi di sehari-hari berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi, lumayan panjang (walaupun capek mikir dan ngetik wakakaka...), inspiratif, informatif, dan tidak membosankan pembaca (karena saya males baca sebenarnya)... Semoga blog ini bermanfaat buat semua yang mampir. Terima kasih... :)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Week VI Day 42 : Two Kids

Today is our last day to work before Idul Fitri holiday. Like usually, every Friday, one of our staff comes with his wife and kids. His wife also is our staff. And she had appointment with our dentist.

She has a beautiful three months baby boy. When I was baby sitting him, he always cried if I sat. But he stopped crying when I was cradling him in stand up position. He is very heavy and made my arm stiffness. Hahaha... Maybe I should learn to cradling baby first...

And also that staff has daughter, the older one whom is seven year old. She is spoiled and active child. She made me crazy for hours and refused to came back to home. She wanted to stay with me. Hahaha... Maybe I should learn to teach my kids next time to be a self reliance...

Lesson for today : Become a mother is not an easy. I should learn more.

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