
Selamat datang di blog saya. Senang sekali ada yang mau berkunjung. Mencoba menjadi penulis yang baik. Menuliskan topik yang terjadi di sehari-hari berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi, lumayan panjang (walaupun capek mikir dan ngetik wakakaka...), inspiratif, informatif, dan tidak membosankan pembaca (karena saya males baca sebenarnya)... Semoga blog ini bermanfaat buat semua yang mampir. Terima kasih... :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Peace With Myself

I was doing meditation this last couple weeks. Then I have realized that I could not push myself to be someone else and I can't live in someone else's life. Sometimes in life you probably agree and disagree with someone. Life is not easy.

Then I decided to be myself. Peace with myself. Do what I want to do.

And I have made my own schedule to studying... I love this article Don't wear someone else's shoes

I have been praying for this

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