
Selamat datang di blog saya. Senang sekali ada yang mau berkunjung. Mencoba menjadi penulis yang baik. Menuliskan topik yang terjadi di sehari-hari berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi, lumayan panjang (walaupun capek mikir dan ngetik wakakaka...), inspiratif, informatif, dan tidak membosankan pembaca (karena saya males baca sebenarnya)... Semoga blog ini bermanfaat buat semua yang mampir. Terima kasih... :)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Make A Different

This is my first post in June. Yeah... This evening, I visited a small village near Gunung Palung with friends to socialized our programs : health and conservation. Powerpoint and videoclip were the media that we were used. I was impressed with my friend presentation. Health and environment are two component that related each other. We will have healthy life if our environment is protected.

On the way back to our house, I was contemplating about that presentation. I thought about how precious my work as a doctor. This job can save people life from suffering because of diseases and also make people feel love.

This presentation gave me a new insight to study hard and seriously with my life. I hope I will have a meaningful life. I am praying for this programs. I hope this programs can save people and also environment not only now but also in the future.

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