
Selamat datang di blog saya. Senang sekali ada yang mau berkunjung. Mencoba menjadi penulis yang baik. Menuliskan topik yang terjadi di sehari-hari berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi, lumayan panjang (walaupun capek mikir dan ngetik wakakaka...), inspiratif, informatif, dan tidak membosankan pembaca (karena saya males baca sebenarnya)... Semoga blog ini bermanfaat buat semua yang mampir. Terima kasih... :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Week I : Day 3 : Fail

I have failed my commitment for two days... Hiks... Then I have hoping this day 3rd would be success. 

Checklist 1  : morning devotion and pray -> woke up late then missed it
Checklist 2  : ontime for teaching -> yeah... I didn't miss it. Okay it was good
Checklist 3  : focus in tutorial and clinic -> hmmm... just a little bit but is was okay. I will try it tomorrow
Checklist 4  : sloppy -> still
Checklist 5  : pray before study -> okay it work
Checklist 6  : procrastinate -> I hope it will not be happen this time. I will do my assignment a soon as possible
Checklist 7  : night pray -> I will do that

Okay... So the conclusion : Day 3 is fail. So wish tomorrow will be okay

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